10 laboral incentives implemented by big companies.
- November 17, 2016
Some enterprises opt for economic incentives translated in extra payments or the introduction of a variable retribution system, that is to said, associate profits in money from workers to their performance. In this way, the reward is not only monetary but also a fair interchange of the time and the effort from the employee to improve the results of the company that, at the same time, makes him participant of their achievements.
Others opt for incentives easier to implement such as acknowledge the achievements, incorpórate the formation and other activities that impact on on their future expectatives, work on créate a good laboral enviroment or allow the remote working.
Here we list 10 of the best working incentives, according to an infographic recently published in the blog “TICs y Formación”:
- Flexibility in the schedule: employees can work when they are more predisposed and still have time personal business, what is and important motivation inyection. Netflix bets for the flexibility and give freedom to their workers in order that noone is tracking of the hours dedicated to the job and holidays can be unlimited. It depends on the employee.
- Remunerated spare time: holidays for a four members family cost 4.235 euros on average. When the enterprise takes over this cost, that can be an stressful element for their employees, these can enjoy their trip and, then, they come back with the batteries recharged and ready to work. The company specialized in SEO, MOZ and Mattel, offer this advantage to their workers , although in a very different way. Moz offers a bonus of 2.000 euros in order to help with the trip’s cost, and the employees of Mattel can enjoy 16 hours of paid work so they can participate in the school events of their children.
- Corporate tour: group activities done out of the office allow the workers to achieve new skills, meet new people and satisfy their wish to travel. Every year, the staff of Black Mountain Systems takes what they call an “exotic retirement”. The destiny of this year? Mexico. Yahoo, on the other hand, opts for something more local and do activities like barbecue or go to concerts as a group.
- Feeding: when the basics requirements of a person are satisfied in their job place, it is more likely that they stay at the office instead of venture for their meal. Furthermore, healthy snacks also increase their energy and productivity. In Google, employees are nerver as far as 200 meters from free food and the Insititute for Integrative Nutrition goes beyond with a profesional chef available for their team.
- Gifts and services: gifts such tickets for cultural events or a service for cleaning the house are always welcomed. In Evernote the employees are provided with a bimonthly house cleaning service and in Johnson and Johnson they are provided with a consierge service in order to make personal assignments or even for line up for that concerts in which is almost impossible to get a ticket.
- Health programs: in the USA the enterprises annually pays 2.2 billions of dollars in health costs. Implement health programs cuts this costs and fosters a stronger link between the task forcé who practice sports together. Part-time employees from Starbucks has Access to a health insurance and the company Clif Bar offers 2.5 hours of payed gym and a bonus of 350 dollars to compete in races.
- Emotional health caring: 1 of each 2 americans will have to deal with an important emotional crisis at some point of their life. Health programs of companies help their employees to face, instead of converting the job in another burden in that difficult moment of their life. Employee Assistance Program from UPS, for instance, offers help to those employees who fight with the anxiety derivated from parenting or related to the grief. Meanwhile in ALOHA, they have access to online advisors specialized in mental health problems.
- Telework: 36% of the workers would prefer to work from their home instead of seeing a higher salary. Moreover, the remote working saves time and money dedicated to travelling to their job place. Almost half of the 21.000 employees of Motorola work from their home and in General Mills the employees can work from any place of their corporative headquarters, although they are animated to work from their home too.
- Child care: an american citizen invest 11.666 dollars on average in the child care. Programs of infant care sponsored by the enterprises cut the stress of the parents through the compensation of this cost, what it makes those more productive in their job. Facebook offers to new parents 4 months of paid holidays, the refund of the kindergarten, the fee of an adoption, and they gift, also, 4.000 dollars in the “baby cash”. Whereas Cisco makes available two kindergarten in the San José campus, California, where they are located.
- Entertainment: entertainment and pets in the job place encourage to socialize and créate links through the game, creating a positive relation without work proyects or other topics such as politics are meddled. Dropbox and Zynga bets for amuse and entertain their employees. The former provides a music studio, a game rooms and a weekly activity called Whiskey Fridays, where the distilled are payed by the company. Zynga, on the other hand, leaves the alcohol at one side and focus on games and practice sports with many game rooms and basket fields so their employees can get relaxed and remove all their worries by the sweat.
If you have stayed eager to know other curious and funny incentives, here we list some links that can be interesting: Is This Real Life? 9 Companies With The Best Employee Perks and 12 tech companies that offer their employees the coolest perks.

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