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5 challenges in managing people arriving with the new reality

5 challenges in managing people arriving with the new reality

  • September 08, 2020

What are the new challenges for the Human Resources department with the arrival of the new reality? Have the objectives in this area been transformed? Has it become one of the company’s most strategic? People management has been key in recent months to achieving the well-being and commitment of the teams, and has played a fundamental role in providing peace of mind and building trust.


5 new challenges in human resources

Adapting to the new situation is a challenge for people management, so maintaining committed and empathetic leadership that seeks the well-being of the team will be critical to its success. How will labour relations evolve from now on? Let’s look at the 5 management challenges you are currently facing:


  • To ensure the health and safety of all the people who are part of the team. Over the past few months, health has been at the center of practically all decisions. How can spaces be adapted so that people can work safely? What protective measures will be part of our routine from now on? And what about telework? How do you define which people should telework and how many days a week? In any case, beyond the actions that ensure the health of the employees, the Human Resources departments have to adapt to the new ways of working, looking for the well-being of the employees
  • Develop an internal communication plan. If there is one thing that has become clear to us during these months, it is that keeping the entire team informed is essential to building trust. This is the opinion of 49% of the people since this has been the greatest learning of the situation lived, according to a study carried out by Eurofirms Group. Giving visibility to the collaboration and generosity between people in the team will be two axes around which the internal communication strategy should revolve.
  • Anticipate changes. What strategy to establish in a situation of uncertainty? Not knowing what is to come can generate insecurity, but it is time to establish a plan of action and anticipate possible circumstances in order to be prepared. Targets will change as events unfold over the next few months.
  • Involve the team in the performances. What better way to implement changes than by involving the team? Involving people will help us overcome any challenges, forge new bonds and be a positive reference in times of uncertainty.
  • Defining the leadership style of organizations. That people feel that their team leader is willing to help them in any way is synonymous with team well-being. . But what is the best kind of leadership? There are no better leaders than others, but the most appropriate one for each project. In times of uncertainty, a committed leader builds credibility and trust.

Facing these challenges will allow for more cohesive and committed teams and, as a consequence, positive results will come. Are you ready to face the challenges in people management posed by the new reality?

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