6 types of leadership
- December 12, 2019
Is there a decalogue for being a good leader? There are no better leaders than others, but the most appropriate one for each project or team. All depend on the qualities and skills of the leader, who knows how to coordinate and motivate and avoid creating stressful situations. Is it possible to reinvent yourself as a leader for this?
A project or a group of well-led people have the easiest way to achieve their goals, and they can enjoy it too. Healthy leadership depends on the leader’s skills and on applying the right style to the work or team of people to be led. This choice is the key, why?
The organizational style of the company, the training of the workers and their relationship with the company and the products or services that are created will require one or another form of management, or even combining different forms in different teams.
How leaders do it will depend on how well they achieve their objectives and a good level of productivity for the company or high levels of stress, absenteeism and no capacity for innovation. Adaptive leadership is more important than ever in order to compete.
The company must be very clear that the same group, led in a different way, changes its work dynamics and its level of commitment. What is better: constantly changing employees or teaching managers to detect and adapt to the characteristics of their team?
Leadership styles
Delegative leadership
When the team is already very experienced, highly skilled or highly motivated with what they do, control and supervision tasks do not become so necessary. In these cases, a style of delegated leadership can be applied, in which the team trusts the work process and intervenes when needed or to provide resources.
When is it appropriate? It could be used with very autonomous people and external collaborators, who prefer to work on their own and with whom we only intervene when presenting results. You have to be careful, however, of not wanting to apply it to have a good working environment, at the price of lowering productivity or the quality of what you have done. Supervision is always necessary, but always showing confidence in the work of the team.
Autocratic leadership
When employees’ work style is more passive, they need instructions and help in solving problems, or they prefer to be directed, leadership can be more autocratic. This type of leader sets the guidelines that must be obeyed, watches the dedication to the work and is prepared to make quick decisions. With this style of leadership, effectiveness is achieved, but no affective commitment to the company.
Participatory leadership
It is precisely commitment that a participatory leader who relies on the team when making decisions does achieve. Under this format, issues are discussed and all points of view are heard. The leader must know how to lead these meetings with a left hand and good manners, and take the final decisions.
Transactional Leadership
It is most common in commercial teams to focus on the rewards to be given for meeting objectives. The main ability of this leadership is to give instructions and clear measurement values.
Transformational Leadership
When it is necessary to adapt to new challenges, however, it is necessary to apply another type of more transformational leadership, which encourages these workers to canalise their great experience towards new ideas. And how is this achieved? By creating meetings open to sharing cases, observations, encouraging observation, letting ideas flow… focusing on change.
Personalized leadership
A more personalised type of leadership can also take place, aimed at bringing each of the workers to their potential and grouping them together according to their complementarity.
Whatever applies, every leader should also be charismatic. This means that he should have a personal aura that attracts sympathy, generates enthusiasm and a desire to get involved in what is being done, facilitating commitment. And this can be achieved with good preparation. And you, what kind of leader are you?

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