How to work the Employee experience in the current situation?
- May 05, 2020
How to care the experience of an employee in moments of uncertainty? Feeling valuated and comfortable in the job is critical to face the changes we are experiencing. But it is something we should work continually, and specially during complicated moments. What are the advantages for enterprises and workers? Employees feel more comfortable in their day by day and companies achieve better commitment from their task force.
Beyond the basic requirements
A good plan of reception, a specialized formation to develop the talent and schedule flexibilty are some of the advantages that until now some enterprises offered to their teams. But, what do really suppose the Employee experience and how can it be adapted to the current situation? The experience of the employee goes beyond of setting strategies focused on the welfare and profesional development of the people. It’s main goal is to bring added value in order to keep and attract talent. These are some keys to develop it:
- Before starting with an Employee experience plan we have to have clear the target. In this moments the security is one of the most important worries of the employees. Your facilities are adapted to keep the 2 meters security distance between fellows? Follow the sanitary instructions marked by the central administration is essential so the persons feel themselves safe in their job environment. But once adapted to the new reality , we have to go one step beyond and set new goals that help to improve the experience of the employee. What is that you want to achieve through the Employee experience? Keep the talent we have in the company? Attract new professionals who add value to our business? Get the commitment of the team? The essential is that the target goes according with the view and the mission of the company. Only with that we can make sure it will be 100% effective.
- The second step consists on knowing with detail our team. What worries to each person and how can we help to handle the change? Communication is the key for the team feels well attended and can face the new situation. But we must not stay there. Once adapted to the new reality , we have to ask ourselves: what motivates them? What employees are we interested to attract? This information will be helpful in order to determine the plan of profits and actions.
- What are the crucial moments for the employee? The exceptional situation we have lived has been, with no doubt, one of them. Should the enterprise has shown interest for the welfare of the team, it will have been strenghtened from the crisis and with a higher commitment by the persons who belongs to the team. But beyond the situation we have lived, what is the first crucial moment that an employee lives? The incorporation to the enterprise. The first days will mark the experience of the worker in the company. The integration in the team and fellows that receive him or her like one of them will be essential in order their experience will be excellent. And how to keep this good feeling with the pass of the time? Monitoring the day by day and create alliances with the fellows from the same or other departments with that the person has relations will be essential for its welfare.
- Develop a culture of feedback: How to transmit to someone who should improve in some aspects? Be able to give feedback in a constructive way will help to improve his or her integration in the enterprise, to change some of his or her routines and to facilitate the day by day.
- What are those moments specially critical? The first days of the state of alarm are an example, but in the day by day are also given situations that for the worker are importants. For instance, a person can’t go to work because his or her son is sick. How is the behaviour of the enterprise in this case? Its behaviour will be a prove of confidence for the worker. If the company allows the teleworking or can recover the hours another day, the laboral relationship will be reinforced, but if not, the person will live it as a “moment of pain”, which are those experiences in which the enterprise doesn’t facilitate the management of certain situations and that the employee lives as a disappointment. These moments are specially delicated because can be a lack of confidence from a professional to the enterprise or can be even turn into a reason to change the job.
- And what will be the last stage of the Employee experience? A plan of outplacement, whereby an incorporation to a new job position is facilitated. Get that the person who ends his or her professional stage with the enterprise carries a good effect and becomes one of our ambassador adds credibility to our company.
With the technology transformation, the Employee experience, it’s increasingly important for enterprises and, in fact, there are portals such as Glassdoor and Indeed in which the workers punctuate them by their experience. The key? Be constant and work little details that facilitate they day by day of the team and that help to experience a good company experience.

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